Tuesday, 11 December 2012

Joining up the dots. . . . . .

I am in the middle of looking at signage in my town. It is reinforcing to me the serious problems that we as a society have with joining up the dots. There are so many bodies and organisations doing a bit of improvement here and there and what you end up with is a mess! There are so many styles of signage, so many different colours, many out of date or pointing the wrong way, or pointing to things which have moved or closed down. It is a real dog's dinner.
There seems to me to be real mileage in removing ALL the signs and starting again from scratch, but no one ever has the vision or budget to do it.
This isn't just an isolated problem though. You can see the same thing in so many spheres of public life. Lots of people wanting to make things better, but ending up duplicating what another group is doing or simply cutting across it.
Resources are wasted and people get frustrated. There must be a way of communicating better.

I am aware that actually we communicate with each other more than ever before, but I am not sure that quantity makes up for quality. I am bombarded with hundreds of emails that I neither wish to or have time to read. Surely there must be a better way of co-ordinating our efforts and working with our communities in mind.

I think I will start up a campaign group called Join the dots to campaign for joined up thinking! Actually -too late- I typed it into Google and it is, amongst other things, a market research company.

Maybe Join the dots could sort out our signage!

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