Thursday, 29 November 2012

That Sin-King feeling

Okay so dogs took over the blog yesterday. I had to get my moan out of the way! Now back to sin.

I was thinking about what I would call this post and, being rather partial to puns, was thinking of words that start with "sin". When I thought sin-king, that seemed quite good, but the more I have thought about it, the more I realise how appropriate it is.

The reason we all find it so difficult to talk about sin is that we are all people living in glass houses, who really shouldn't throw stones.
Well I haven't murdered anyone- yet- but I have found that sin has a persisitent hold on my life. Anger, pride, self-centredness and greed are neighbours who spend a fair amount of time in my house. Despite my good intentions, I can't seem to stop them visiting. Even moving to Wales hasn't thrown them off the scent!

I have to face the fact that sin is often king of my life, which makes it all the more difficult to talk about sin as a real issue for our society. Nevertheless, it is.

In my previous post on this subject, I talked about the financial cost to our communities, but really the human tragedy is the cost that we as a society cannot afford.
Just take a few moments with me to think about the many ways in which individuals are mangled and torn apart by sin.
It's horrendous. Within a couple of minutes the list grows longer than one can bear to contemplate.
That's why sin is an issue which needs our urgent attention.

Who really believes that there is no such thing as sin or morality, right or wrong? When the rubber hits the road, nearly every one of us recognises that people do good things and bad things, and we applaud the right and hate the wrong, the unjust and the cruel.

So what can we do to address sin in ourselves and in others?

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